Monday 22th of September 2008
CAS element: Action
Time: 1.5 hour
My first swimming training of the year. The coach and the swimmers were nice, some more distance then others. We didn't do very hard exercises and focused principally on technique.
Tuesday 23th of September 2008
CAS element: Action
Time: 1.5 hour
Second training session, we worked on crawl, the entry and the exit of the hand in water. We also swam a bite a of three other strokes.
Friday 26th of September 2008
CAS element: Action
Time: 1.5 hour
Today, we did some speed working, sprints, mainly in crawl. The coach made us do kicking exercises in all four strokes to improve our techniques and leg strength .
Saturday 27th of September 2008
CAS element: Action
Time: 1.5 hour
We focused today on the push off, the movements underwater and the breaking of the surface. When looking at hydrodynamic, it is a good way to increase speed and save energy.
Monday 29th of September 2008
CAS element: Action
Time: 1.5 hour
Our coach made us do endurance exercises principally in breaststroke which is not my favorite stroke. It was long and tiring, but at the end we finished with small sprints, which were more fun.
Tuesday 30th of September 2008
CAS element: Action
Time: 1.5 hour
Today we did long distances mainly in crawl and I.M.. We had very few break of few second long. Every exercise had to be done one after the other. At the end I had a cramp in my left leg and had to slow down the rhythm.
Friday 3rd of October 2008
CAS element: Action
Time: 1.5 hour
We started by doing some backstroke, but today many people came and the lanes were very crowed. It was annoying because it was hard to swim properly. You always had bubbles in front of you and people slowing you down. Fortunately at the end we got more lanes and it got easier.
Saturday 4th of October 2008
CAS element: Action
Time: 1.5 hour
Today was much less crowded, we actually almost had the all pool for us. We focused on flip turns and short distances. It was my day, I was in a good form and I think my coach felt it too because, at the end, he asked me, from now on, to come five times a week.I not sure if I'm be able to, I'm already quite busy with IB and everything else, but I'll try.
Monday 6th of October 2008
CAS element: Action
Time: 1.5 hour
A new swimmer joined our swim team today. She' s American and she's part of an exchange plan between the University of Paris and her university in the US. She' s in Paris for 4 month and because she had trouble understanding French, I helped her by explaining her the exercises the coach wanted us to do.
Wednesday 9th of October 2008
CAS element: Action
Time: 1.5 hour
I was not keen of going swimming today because I had finished school late and had tonnes of homework to do. The coach made us work on our specialties, which is crawl for me, because we have a competition this weekend, which adds to the school's stress. Today I also realized that I need to work a bit on my dive.
Friday 10th of October 2008
CAS element: Action
Time: 1 hour
I only swam an hour today because I have a swimming competition tomorrow and the coach wanted us to rest. We did a long warm up and starts on the blocks. I am actually a bit stressed out.
Saturday 11th of October 2008
CAS element: Action
Time: 3 hour
I had to wake up very early this morning because I had a swimming competition in a pool at the other end of Paris and had to be there at 8 a.m..The meet was organized by my club and 250 swimmers from 12 clubs and from 7 different countries were present. I didn't want to get wet and warm up. I just wanted to go back to sleep. After the warm up I changed swimming suit and got prepared for my 200m and 50m freestyle. I actually got qualified for both races and had to swim the finals in the afternoon. I got fifth and sixth.
Sunday 12th of October 2008
CAS element: Action
Time: 3 hour
Today the opening tine was the same. but I felt less tired than yesterday. I the morning I swam the 100m and the 4x100 relay freestyle and also got qualified for the finals. During lunch time, I led down in a corner and tried to rest, but the noise in a crowded pool is like having a cloud of bees that you cannot get rid of spinning around your head. I got seventh for my 100m and second for the relay. With the cup we each got a stuffed monkey that was actually pretty ugly. After that I finally got to go home and rest. I wasn't in the mood to do homework.
Monday 13th of October 2008
CAS element: Action
Time: 1 hour
Today was short and easy because we needed a day of rest from this long weekend...
Tuesday 14th of October 2008
CAS element: Action
Time: 1.5 hour
Real hard training is back! Our coach wants to build up our endurance and strength as fast as possible before the next competition. This is illustrated mostly by almost none stop swimming with very little rest. Not always very fun especially when you know tonnes of homework is waiting for you when you get home.
Friday 17th of October 2008
CAS element: Action
Time: 1.5 hour
I felt good today in the water. I had a clean stroke and I pushed myself well this time. One of the reasons was that we only did crawl, which is my specialty.
Saturday 18th of October 2008
CAS element: Action
Time: 1.5 hour
Well today was quit different from yesterday. We worked on every strokes except crawl. I was tired and didn't swim properly. That the problem in swimming some days you feel well and others you feel like cr....
Monday 20th of October 2008
CAS element: Action
Time: 1.5 hour
I got early today to the pool and got to talk a bit with the others. It was a normal practice with nothing very new nor special. However, the coach told us that he was tired and was not filling good. I smiled because usually it is the swimmers that says that as an excuse when they do not swim well.
Tuesday 21st of October 2008
CAS element: Action
Time: 1.5 hour
My coach was not here today(I am not surprised!) and an another coach from another swim group replaced him. He did not spend much time to plan the practice because just after the warm-up he just told us to swim a 1500 meters non-stop. Not my favorite distance, but I did not have the choice. I had to do it.
Saturday 25th of October 2008
CAS element: Action
Time: 1.5 hour
I was a bit tired when I went in the water, as I had gone to bed late the night before. Nevertheless it felt nice to do some physical activity. This practice really woke me up. I could no longer feel my arms at the end.
Thursday 6th of November 2008
CAS element: Action
Time: 1.5 hour
First practice after a nice and deserved holidays. In swimming it is always very hard to get back into the rhythm after a break, even a week makes a difference. And this first practice was not exception. My stroke did not feel right and consequently I did not swim very well.
Friday 7th of November 2008
CAS element: Action
Time: 1.5 hour
Today's training was quite hard. First because I still had not gone back into the rhythm and second because all the sets followed each other without any real rest or time to catch your breath. After those kind of practice, I just want to go home and sleep.
Monday 10th of November 2008
CAS element: Action
Time: 1.5 hour
When I first went in the water today, I felt tired. However the more I swam the better I was and what is controversial is that at the end when I got out I felt great and full of energy. Swimming practice is usually not like that , but I wish it was more often.
Wednesday 12th of November 2008
CAS element: Action
Time: 1.5 hour
Today my friend came back from his intense swimming camp in the south of France, fours of swimming a day two in the morning and two in the afternoon. It is crazy! I would never do that, especially during my holidays. However he improved tremendously and sometimes during practice I wish I actually went to this camp.
Friday 14th of November 2008
CAS element: Action
Time: 1.5 hour
Today was not very hard because some swimmer were chosen to go to a long distance swimming competition and the coach wanted to prepare them for that. I was not selected because my specialty is mainly sprint and consequently I don't train for long distance.
Saturday 15th of November 2008
CAS element: Action
Time: 1.5 hour
It was nice today; the lanes were not very crowed. It is easier to swim as you don't constantly have bubbles in front of from slow swimmer you have to pass and waves coming in your face when you want to breath. I also enjoyed the fact that we finished by polishing up our reaction time and our dives.
Monday 17th of November 2008
CAS element: Action
Time: 1.5 hour
We were divided in two groups today. One which received an easier practice because they went to the long distance competition this weekend and needed a cool down. And the others, which included me, who received the usual hardship.
Tuesday 18th of November 2008
CAS element: Action
Time: 1.5 hour
It was pretty crowded today as many people came. I even so some new faces. Once in a while, we have swimmer from other clubs in France or in Europe that come swim with us for a short period. However, I had the feeling those new swimmers will from now on swim in Neptune. We will see.
Friday 21st of November 2008
CAS element: Action
Time: 1.5 hour
It was a usual Friday, crowded. This is because we only have one lane on this and everyone wants to come today. Apart from that it went okay, except that I got a really bad cramp at the end that made me sink instantly. I had to stop swimming and stretch for the last five minutes of the practice.
Saturday 22nd of November 2008
CAS element: Action
Time: 1.5 hour
I could still feel my cramp in my leg today as it kind rip my muscle. However when the muscle is warmed up, the pain goes away temporally and was able go on and swim. I was a bit tired and not focused because I kept on thinking about the load of homework waiting for me at home.
Monday 24th of November 2008
CAS element: Action
Time: 1.5 hour
Today the swimming coach for the seniors was absent. Consequently our coach had to take care of them as well. During the all practice, he had to keep jumping from one group to the other. It was very bothering for him but also for us too as we did not always know what to do.
Tuesday 25th of November 2008
CAS element: Action
Time: 1.5 hour
It is funny because our coach was this time absent. However we got the coach, that trains the elite team of the club, to take care of us. The practice was horrible! After the warm-up we did a 20x100 (on 1.30), which probably to most people does not mean anything, but I can tell you that it is a very long set with a rhythm very hard to keep up until the end.
Monday 1st of December 2008
CAS element: Action
Time: 1.5 hour
First swim since few days, as I was sick last week and could not got to practice. My coach was not very glad because I have a competition this weekend and the others have been training very hard. The two weeks before a swim meet are essential to be in the best physical shape as possible.
Tuesday 2nd of December 2008
CAS element: Action
Time: 1.5 hour
I still have not completely recovered, but I tried to do my best today, to catch up with the others. At the end when we did some sprints, I felt that I was not at my full capacities. This is what happens when you are sick. I hope, however, that will feel better this weekend for the competition.
Friday 5th of December 2008
CAS element: Action
Time: 1 hour
The practice only lasted an hour, because we have a swimming competition this weekend and the coach wanted us to have some rest. Nevertheless we still worked on sprints, turns, push offs and dives.
Saturday 6th of December 2008
CAS element: Action
Time: 1.5 hour
The competition took place in a swimming pool more than 45 minutes away. Metro transport is always tiering. I swam today 50 and 200 meters freestyle. It went okay if we take in account that I was sick last week. My races were at the beginning of the swim meat, so I was do early and was able to go home. I must admit I am a bit stressed for tomorrows' race.
Sunday 7th of December 2008
CAS element: Action
Time: 1.5 hour
This morning I was tired and had some much work to get done, but I had to go to the swimming competition. I just had one last race to do which is the 100 meter freestyle my specialty. I got there and did my warm up, however my race was the last event. During the all time I was trying to stay warm stretching and doing land warm ups. Finally at 6.15 pm I swam those 100 meters. So much for that! Tired but happy of being qualified to the next round, I went home.
Monday 8th of December 2008
CAS element: Action
Time: 1.5 hour
As usual after a weekend of competition the practice that follows is easy. It is a big cool down where swimmer will get rid of all the toxins accumulated in the muscles during the swim meat. However today was a bit a mix because the pool will be closed the rest of the week for reparation and the coach wanted us to swim more today to minimize the loss when the pool reopens.
Monday 15th of December 2008
CAS element: Action
Time: 1.5 hour
I have spent all of last week in bed because I was sick. Today I had not completetly recovered but I decided to go swimming anyway. I felt tired and not very well and my coach was not all pleased. I had a lot to catch up with the other swimmers. This is very incouraging.
Tuesday 16th of December 2008
CAS element: Action
Time: 1.5 hour
Today I felt better and managed to swim decently. The hard part is to keep up with the good swimmers and not fall behind. My throat was still hurting from my sickness after each breath I took and my muscle were burning. This is the secret of good swimmers, they need to enjoy to suffer.
Saturday 20th of December 2008
CAS element: Action
Time: 1.5 hour
My feelings were mitigated today. I could not to wait to get over with this practice, as I finally wanted to enjoy my holidays. However this would be my last practice for a long time and I would like to get out of it as much as possible. Anyways I was happy, as the holidays meant that life would get out of this monotonous routine people create to feel secure, and aim toward more spontaneity and new experiences.
Firday 9th of January 2009
CAS element: Action
Time: 1.5 hour
First swim practice of the year after a nice winter holiday. I was not surprised that I have lost a lot of fitness. Two weeks of no swimming is a lot and I will need some time to recover and get back into shape, soon hopefully. As to now I will take it easy to get back the feeling of the water.
Saturday 10th January 2009
CAS element: Action
Time: 1.5 hour
Today was hard because I had not still recovered from the holidays and was still tired. Nevertheless this swim practice made me feel better and helped me to relax. The final exams are next week and I have been studying a lot. Therefore I am quit stressed out. Physical activities truly help you pull out problems out of your mind, temporally unfortunately.
Monday 12th January 2009
CAS element: Action
Time: 1.5 hour
I was not focused during the practice today because I kept on thinking about the exams. What I needed to spend my most time studying and how much time I had left after this practice to study. That is all i could think about unfortunately.
Tuesday 13th January 2009
CAS element: Action
Time: 1.5 hour
I was more relaxed today and I tried to focus on my stoke. We mainly worked on crawl stroke on sprints. We ended by a long set of kicking and pull boy which killed me legs. And I now have to go home and study.
Saturday 17th January 2009
CAS element: Action
Time: 1.5 hour
Today was particularly exhausting. We swam a total of about 6000 meters, practically non-stop from beginning to end. Barely stopping to catch your breath. From the effort my head was as hot and steaming as a kettle filled with boiling liquid. I could feel my heart beat thumping like an enraged animal in my forehead. When it finally ended, relief shoot through all my body.
Monday 19th January 2009
CAS element: Action
Time: 1.5 hour
Today we did sets of repetitive short distances. In those kind of sets you have to push yourself hard, however only over a short distance. As the effort is intense, you also get more total rest than usually. I prefer this kind of set because I am more of a sprinter.
Tuesday 20th January 2009
CAS element: Action
Time: 1.5 hour
Today we only did IM sets, where you swim a combination of all four strokes, one after the other. Some swimmers like IM as each time you work out different muscles, therefore they get tired not as fast. I do not really like it because I am really good in crawl and a bit less in the other strokes. Therefore my effort is not regular.
Friday 23th January 2009
CAS element: Action
Time: 1.5 hour
This weekend I have a competition, therefore the practice today ,as a preparation, was easy. We worked on the strokes that we are swimming this weekend. We did only sprints and ended by working on our dives and turns. I realized that my dives lacked in sharpness and needed to be worked on.
Sunday 25th January 2009
CAS element: Action
Time: 1.5 hour
I knew where the pool for the competition was and I did not have any trouble to get there. I had only one race to do the 100 meters freestyle. I arrived late, so I missed the warm-up. I consequently had to do a land warm-up, which is not all appropriate. Nevertheless I did a good time, and I was happy. My friends also did well in their races, so we were all happy.
Monday 26th January 2009
CAS element: Action
Time: 1.5 hour
Today was a recovering practice from the swim meet. I swam all four strokes and we did numerous drills. I do not know why but there were a good team spirit today. We had fun especially after the practice.
Tuesday 28th January 2009
CAS element: Action
Time: 1.5 hour
Today compared to yesterday was pretty intense. The water quickly felt very hot and thick, as your breath went out and your muscles ache. The spirit was this time some what not very joyful.
Friday 30th January 2009
CAS element: Action
Time: 1.5 hour
I was in a good mood today, as I was grateful that the week was finally over and I could now enjoy my weekend. The practice want alright, although with all the fatigue I had gathered along the week, I felt my fitness was improving.
Monday 2nd of February 2009
CAS element: Action
Time: 1.5 hour
A new week begins, I was already late to practice today. As I came to the pool by bicycle, my feet, hands and ears were frozen. When I jumped in the water, they turned into blazing flames. It took at least ten minutes for them to die out.
Tuesday 3rd of February 2009
CAS element: Action
Time: 1.5 hour
My all body was aching today, even before I want in the water. I just wanted to go back home and lay in my bed. However I had to come swim. It went by faster than I expected, and surprisingly I felt less tired when I got out of the water. I guess that was just the sensation of pleasure you get after an exercise.
Friday 6th of February 2009
CAS element: Action
Time: 1.5 hour
Today we worked not on my favorite stroke, butterfly. I can swim it, but I never could manage to make my technique efficient. This is probably partly due to my long arms. It takes more strength to propel and sweep long arms above the surface. In addition my wide wingspan often hit the water line on one side and the coming swimmer on the other side.
Monday 9th of February 2009
CAS element: Action
Time: 1.5 hour
Today's practice was really based on very short intense sprints done repetitively. We were allowed more resting time than usual due to the intensity of the effort. Consequently, I was able to give in everything I had on each sprints as I knew I will be allowed rest afterwards.
Tuesday 10th of February 2009
CAS element: Action
Time: 1.5 hour
Today's long set was a mixture of series of 200 meters in crawl and in IM (a combination of all four stroke). I liked the set, however my rhythm was not constant as I am able to push myself better in certain stroke and less in others. Nevertheless, I was able to do the set properly.
Tuesday 3rd of March 2009
CAS element: Action
Time: 1.5 hour
Coming back from vacation, this was my first practice. I was happy to start back swimming and do some sport regularly again. I was also surprised how much fitness I had lost, since I rapidly was out of breath. It will take some time to regain my fitness. I just need to come regularly and do my best each time.
Thursday 5th of March 2009
CAS element: Action
Time: 1.5 hour
Today went alright, I slowly but surely start to feel back my sensations in the water. It is extremely important to have that sensation. If you do not, you will have the impression that you are not moving, even though you are pushing yourself very hard. Swimming is not all about strength. Your water sensations are also essential.
Saturday 7th of March 2009
CAS element: Action
Time: 1.5 hour
Today I lost track of time and consequently arrived late to practice. My coach was not very glade. I therefore hoped I would regain myself by engaging an extra effort today in practice. Nevertheless, I a bit struggled during the sets an fell behind. I still need more time to get back in shape.
Monday 9th of March 2009
CAS element: Action
Time: 1.5 hour
I was extra careful to arrive on time this time, since two lateness in a row always gives a very bad impression. We did a long set and worked on all four strokes separately. I usually do not enjoy these kind of sets, however today was an exception. I felt improvements especially in butterfly.
Tuesday 10th of March 2009
CAS element: Action
Time: 1.5 hour
We started with an unusual warm-up, which left me wondering. It usually means that the practice will be different this time. Indeed I was, since instead of being given a distance to swim, the coach made us swim for 15 minutes non-stop. I requires endurance and a different way of thinking. I did not really motivated me because I kept telling myself: " What's the point of going fatser if you'll still swim as long, than if you're not?".
Friday 13th of March 2009
CAS element: Action
Time: 1.5 hour
Today's practice was alright. However, I was not fully focused throughout the exersices because I am going tomorrow to Brussels and I was therefore extremely exicted. I was going to meet old friend I had not seen for two years. I hope my lack of mental presence did not reflect too much on my swimming.
Monday 16th of March 2009
CAS element: Action
Time: 1.5 hour
I was quite tired today because I did the back and forth trip to Brussels in a spend of time of two days. However, I do not regret any speck of it. I just tried today to do my best with what I had left of energy. And I think I did not do bad.
Tuesday 17th of March 2009
CAS element: Action
Time: 1.5 hour
Today I was focused throughout the practice because I knew I had a competition at the end of the week. We did for most of the time short distances and sprints, during this I was able to focus on my arm's frequency and the push on water.
Friday 20th of March 2009
CAS element: Action
Time: 1.5 hour
The warm up was long today and consisted of various different drills in all four strokes. I do not particularly enjoy them and some are even very irritating because they are usually not very efficient, making you move extremely slowly even though you are putting a lot of effort.
Saturday 21st of March 2009
CAS element: Action
Time: 1.5 hour
Since we have a small competition tomorrow, after the warm up we did sprints in the strokes we will be swimming on the next day. We also worked on speed management on slightly longer distances, then we finished by practicing our turns and dives.
Sunday 22nd of March 2009
CAS element: Action
Time: 3 hours
Today I had the swimming competition. I had only two races, but I was never the less stressed out on my way to the pool. After the warm-up I sat in the most quiet place I could find to relax and meditate on the upcoming race. I figured that visiualizing the race before hand hepls me because I do not have to think much about the what I am doing during the race, as if I was running on automatic mode. Indeed I improved my time in all my races.
Monday 23rd of March 2009
CAS element: Action
Time: 1.5 hour
Like every swimming practice after a swim meet, we have a cool-down practice to get rid of all the toxins that gathered in our muscles. We are therefore given easy sets, but I find it quickly boreing, since I feel I am wasting my time.
Friday 27th of March 2009
CAS element: Action
Time: 1.5 hour
I did not swim very well today. It was as if my body had forgotten how to swim. I had even sometimes the feeling an invisible hand was holding on my leg preventing me to move forward. And then I started having cramps in my left foot, which made all of it even worst. In other words today was not my day.
Saturday 28th of March 2009
CAS element: Action
Time: 1.5 hour
When I went in the water today, my arms already felt heavy like two big anvils tied to my shoulders. However the more I span them around the lighter they felt, as if each time matter flew out of them. By the end of the practice my arms felt light and vivid.
Monday 30th of March 2009
CAS element: Action
Time: 1.5 hour
Today we mostly worked on medium sized distances swam one after the other, with very little of rest between each. The aim was less on fitness and more on strength and resistance. My muscles really burned especially my triceps and my shoulders. The challenge was to maintain the rhythm without letting go.
Tuesday 31st of March 2009
CAS element: Action
Time: 1.5 hour
Today's practice was quite contrasted from yesterday's. After the warm up we swam long distances (2x800m). I do not really enjoy long distances, like some do, it demands a great deal of fitness and that much muscles. Nevertheless on the first 800, as I thought there will be only one, I pushed myself and did an acceptable time. However when the coach told us that we had to do a second one I lost all motivation and did not manage to push myself as appropriate.
Friday 3rd of April 2009
CAS element: Action
Time: 1.5 h
Today we continued on working long distances. I think that since the next competition will not be soon, the coach really wants to improve our endurance for the time being. I am getting used to swim long distances, but I still find it a bit boring. I am a sprinter after all.
Saturday 4th of April 2009
CAS element: Action
Time: 1.5 h
When I came in today, I realized that I had not completely recovered from yesterday's practice, since some of my muscles still ached. As usual Saturday practices are always quite hard and today was no exception, but I tried my best to follow as much as possible. At the end, although I was exhausted I fell good in and out of the water.
Monday 6th of April 2009
CAS element: Action
Time: 1.5 h
Today was the end of the long distance practices. We swam sprints in crawl mostly, which is what I like the most. It was still quite exhausted and my muscles quickly burned and ached, but I felt good, motivated and enjoyed the practice.
Tuesday 7th of April 2009
CAS element: Action
Time: 1.5 h
I was existed today because the holidays are coming at the end of the week and I am going to a camp canoing for a week in Corsica. Therefore I was not completetly concentrated during the practice. My mind kept wondering about.
Friday 24th of April 2009
CAS element: Action
Time: 1.5 h
The holidays are over in a few days and all the routine activities are one by one being re-established into daily life, for example swimming practices. I went easy in the water today, since I had not swam for some days and felt a bit weird in the water. Anyways, the coach gave us a transition practice, as so not to physically break us during this entry session.
Saturday 25th of April 2009
CAS element: Action
Time: 1.5 h
Today we worked more with paddles, which are the equivalence of fines, but for hands. This helps to really work on your upper body muscles; shoulders, triceps, higher back. It is not easy as it makes each pull harder, but I like it because you really feel you are pushing something and each stroke is a challenge for your muscles.
Monday 27th of April 2009
CAS element: Action
Time: 1.5 h
Today's practice felt short to me, but maybe this is because I also felt really good in the water today. I was practically shooting through the water effortlessly. The water sliding down my body, my muscles pushing down as if it was just air. Nothing could stop me like a rocket piercing the atmosphere.
Tuesday 28th of April 2009
CAS element: Action
Time: 1.5 h
After a long warm-up, we started by doing sets of short distances with paddles. When you work with paddles especially on short distances, the effort load is put on the muscles and less on the cardiovascular system. This means that at the end you are less out of breath, but your muscles hurt more, than compared to when you swim without them.
Monday 4th of Mai 2009
CAS element: Action
Time: 1.5 h
Today I felt different in the water. As I pushed myself throughout the sets, my muscles did not burn as they usually do nor did my breath quicken. Furthermore, I could not manage to increase my frequency and reach my limits. It was as if it was not me that was swimming, someone else what doing it for me. And me, I was elsewhere just the observer.
Tuesday 5th of Mai 2009
CAS element: Action
Time: 1.5 h
Well for once practice went by fast. Time just flew, when it was time to get out, I felt as if I had just gone in. I felt good in the water, but it does not mean it was an easy practice. I suffered like any other practice, but it was good pain the one that makes you feel nice afterwards. This end residue feeling of pleasure after a physical activity is was I am looking for in the Action element of CAS.
Thursday 7th of Mai 2009
CAS element: Action
Time: 1.5 h
Today was hardcore sprints, which means that in total we actually do not swim a lot, however we give everything we have in a few short distances. Practices like that really push certain muscles to their limits, similar to what you would experience in a gym for bodybuilders. The challenge is to from the beginning jump to the sixth gear. You have no time to think when you are working in this kind of distance. You just give from the start everything you have as if it was already the end. That is what makes a good sprinter.
Saturday 9th of Mai 2009
CAS element: Action
Time: 1.5 h
Today was slightly less intense and one of the reason is that we spent some time at the end to work on our dives. In a race the dive is extremely important to give you a head start from the beginning, however it is also one of the most complex skill in swimming. Many things as to be taken account of and therefore demands a lot of focus. This is why we often practice this skill.
Monday 11th of Mai 2009
CAS element: Action
Time: 1.5 h
Today was interesting because we had to share the pool with synchronized swimmers. Although some of the needed skills are similar it is not at all the same sport. Synchronized swimming is about charming the jury and not about the chronometer.
Friay 15th of Mai 2009
CAS element: Action
Time: 1 h
Today was shorter than usual because we all had a swimming meet on both weekend days, so the coach did not want us to work too much. At the end we did something I which are sprints with a dive from the diving blocks. The dive gives you an extra push that really gets you started. I love dives because there is always the moment in mid-air when you are air born and time seems to stop...
Saturay 16th of Mai 2009
CAS element: Action
Time: 3 hr
The metro trip to the pool was long and tiering. The pool could not have been further away from my house really. To add to the fatigue I was also as always quite stressed because in races you have only one shoot to prove yourself. If you are not focused and one thing is not done right for example a dive, a turn or even a stroke the all race itself is jeopardized. Fortunately for me both of my race went quite well since I improved both of my times.
Saturay 16th of Mai 2009
CAS element: Action
Time: 2 hr
I don't know if the metro went faster or what today but the trip to the pool went by much faster. Nevertheless surprisingly I arrived late only few minutes before my race. I quickly jumped in the pool to warm up at least a bit before the actual race. Although still in a rush, I felt good and was confident for the upcoming race. Indeed, I swam it very nicely and for the first time swam 100 meters under 1 minute, which is always for a swimmer a definite achievement.
19th, 22nd, 23rd of Mai 2009
CAS element: Action
Time: 4.5 hr
I have decided that from now on I will combine the hours swam during the week and upload my reflections all at once every week. This will make it simpler for me and for whoever reads this, since my reflections will be less pointless and more developed into real ideas, at least I hope. This week although we did not relatively swim a lot in terms of distance, I was completely exhausted even before the practice had started. Maybe the two day swim meat last weekend had done that to me.
25,26,29,30th of Mai 2009
CAS element: Action
Time: 6 hr
This week was really the first warm and sunny week since the beginning of the year. When the weather is like that, jumping into a pool becomes very tempting. However my swimming practices are far from being a simple refreshing session. Nevertheless, I felt more motivated this week than before. I also felt good in the water and I did not run out of breath as I sometimes usually do. One reason for that is that we for the most part swam short distances and sprints, which is what I like. Although I still think the main reason is the sun that reminds me of summer and really gets me exacted.
1st,2nd,5th of Mai 2009
CAS element: Action
Time: 4.5 hr
This week I was more tired than usual because I had many thing going on simultaneously, making me very tired. I had to revise for me driving code exam and I had to prepare for the SATs. Furthermore, I had to start to prepare for me upcoming final exams. Consequently, I did not sleep much this week and was tired. The swimming practiced did not help, but it least helps me to think about something else.
IB2 Second year begins now!!
14th,15th, 18th,19th, 21st, 22nd, 25th and 26th of September 2009
CAS element: Action
Time: 12 hrs
Here we are swimming starts again this year! Although I will be extremely busy this year with all the IB projects, IB exams and all the work needed to complete my university application, I decided to continue swimming in competition for two reasons. First because it is essential to regularly participate in a physical activity daily to stay fit and feel well physically as well as, mentally. And second because it is a personal challenge to kept up this highly effort and time demanding activity even during times when great academic input is required for the simple reason that you like this activity. I hope through this perseverance, I am able to show honest determination.
I was happy to swim again in a pool after two months without any training. However, It is not always easy physically to get back to into your post-holidays fitness. Although my summer was pretty active, this was not enough and I could feel my breath run short and my shoulders starting to strain already after only few laps. Nevertheless our coach since now has started slowly, but this will not stay like that for long and soon he will start pushing us to our limits again.
28th, 29th of September and 2nd,3rd, 5th, 6th, 8th and 9th of October 2009
CAS element: Action
Time: 12 hrs
These past two weeks, swimming practices have become slowly but surly longer distance wise and harder effort wise. During swimming trainings we often use a variety of equipments, such as a pull-boy, a kicking board and hand paddles. This allows to practice particular techniques and sharpen the stroke we are working on. Furthermore it also enable us to isolate specific part of the body to work muscle and strength. This will then to give this additional boost when combined with the rest of the movements. This year we added a new equipment; it is the mini fine. It is like a normal fine, however it is much shorter and extremely rigid. It offers a lot of resistance with at the same time allowing a high frequency kick, which is not possible with traditional fines. Its aim is to strengthen the leg muscles without deforming the kicking pattern you have when you don't have fines.
12th,13th, 16th, 17th, 18th and 20th of October 2009
CAS element: Action
Time: 9 hrs
I did not go swimming as much as I wanted to these past two weeks, since I caught a bad cold from the recent and sudden drop in temperature. This particularly please me, since I could not go swimming, but more so because I had a swimming competition the up coming week. This mean that I will not be conveniently prepared for this swimming meet and that my times will not reflect my real level. Nevertheless I still wanted to participate in the competition and did not forfeit. However my coach only signed me up for only one race because I was too tired to do more. The race went alright, although it was not my best time, it was acceptable considering my sickness. The holidays are coming up and I hope I will get better and restart swimming better than ever.
3rd, 6th, 13th, 14th, 15th, 17th, 20th and 21st of November 2009
CAS element: Action
Time: 12 hrs
Now swimming practices are hard because the next competition is in a month, therefore we have time to really work on building up endurance, muscle strength and speed. Our coach is well aware that to get better results, he needs to make his swimmers work hard. And I can feel it pretty well in all my body because after particularly hard practices when you go back in the water the next day and start to warm up all your muscles (especially the upper body ones) feel very tight and stiff. Recently we have also started incorporating training schemes taken from Mikael Phelps practices (a US swimmer that has won more medals in one Olympic games than any other athlete in history). It is the vertical dauphin kick. It is an extremely intense drill that requires flexibility, rhythm and stamina. I like this drill because it does not resemble any other drill that I know and it allows you to get precious milliseconds off from each push off you do.
4rd, 5th, 7th, 8th, 11th, 12th, 14th and 17th of December 2009
CAS element: Action
Time: 12 hrs
4th, 5th, 8th of December 2009
CAS element: Action
Time: 12 hrs